I’m currently potting seedlings like a madman. Among the many species that have germinated simultaneously is Davidia involucrata, the Dove Tree (also known as, Ghost Tree, Handkerchief Tree, and Laundry Tree).

Not having any experience propagating this tree, I’m unsure if I handled the initial planting correctly. The fruit is a solitary, ovoid drupe containing 3-6 seeds. I defaulted to what I imagine is the natural way these trees germinate by planting the entire drupe without attempting to separate out the individual embryos.

Does anyone know if I will end up with a hopelessly inseparable root mass by planting the entire drupe?

Not having any experience propagating this tree, I’m unsure if I handled the initial planting correctly. The fruit is a solitary, ovoid drupe containing 3-6 seeds. I defaulted to what I imagine is the natural way these trees germinate by planting the entire drupe without attempting to separate out the individual embryos.

Does anyone know if I will end up with a hopelessly inseparable root mass by planting the entire drupe?