Hey all - preface that I'm still quite new to this, having only bought my first tree last Sept. Most everything is younger nursery stock. I got this young JBP last fall and the only thing I've done til now was to slip pot it before the winter. This spring I re-potted it in a colander for drainage/aeration, doing almost no work on the roots - though I did see a good amount of new root growth that had pushed past the original root ball.
I've read a lot of info (some compiled on this site) about developing JBP and watched a Ryan Neil/Mirai video that I took good notes from. But I think a lot of this might be beyond where I'm at for this tree. My main focus of course is health and growth. And I know that the more mass of the tree (branches/needles) that there is the more that promotes growth and trunk girth. And I should still have an eye toward the shape and style I might want for the tree.
The die-back on those upper branches was there when I got it. Since then it looks good and the new candles are extending nicely. From my reading I know that decandling can promote back budding and shorter internodes - which in turn could lead to more growth later.
What should I be doing to promote the most/best growth moving forward?
(I do also know that I'm going to want to watch out for the top where I could have a whorl from too many branches)
I've read a lot of info (some compiled on this site) about developing JBP and watched a Ryan Neil/Mirai video that I took good notes from. But I think a lot of this might be beyond where I'm at for this tree. My main focus of course is health and growth. And I know that the more mass of the tree (branches/needles) that there is the more that promotes growth and trunk girth. And I should still have an eye toward the shape and style I might want for the tree.
The die-back on those upper branches was there when I got it. Since then it looks good and the new candles are extending nicely. From my reading I know that decandling can promote back budding and shorter internodes - which in turn could lead to more growth later.
What should I be doing to promote the most/best growth moving forward?
(I do also know that I'm going to want to watch out for the top where I could have a whorl from too many branches)