Giant group planting Drawf Schefflera

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I combined 6 banyan scheffleras to form a group planting today. The overall size is 4 ft wide, 2 deep, and about 2 ft tall. I removed all the soil and separated some of the roots in order to reposition them. I planted it in mostly pea-gravel with a little bit of soil, to help the roots recieve proper oxygen to thicken up... little by little I plan on removing the gravel to expose the roots and eventually I am thinking of perhaps making this a rock slab planting... either a very large slab, or probally more than likely because of weight a manufactured one.
This is the second thread about a "Drawf" Shefflera. Is this a new species? I thought maybe it was one of the trees discovered by my good friend Fred Drawf. :rolleyes::p

Just kidding, of course, it's an easy typo to make.
ha,ha,ha It must be... I wasn't even paying attention !!! It happens...
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That looks great! Did you just picked those up at the nursery? I have zone envy.
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thanks, I appreciate it !!! I have had these for sometime, they started off as cuttings that I rooted... this is probally going to be more of a yard bonsai. For as mentioned, I am thinking of making it a slab planting and then putting it in the middle of my Koi pond, so I looks as if it is an island... I think the humidity from the water will set the arieals off, and make it even more crazy...
Nice work Stacy,it gives you the feel of a thick rain forest.
Hi Stacy, I was wondering how you got these cuttings to root? And does it work with ficus benjaminas too?

Oh, and that is a very impressive forrest planting. I'd love to see it in a couple yrs. after you put it over your koi pond...the aerials I agree would look very cool and more natural. Good Luck!
That'll be neat in the middle of your koi pond. It'll look like a mini mangrove island. Drop a bunjin pine in the middle, it'll look like an everglades hammock :)
fore, I use spagnum moss for rooting up both Dwarf Schefflera, and ficus...
I take a 4" pot and pack the cutting and damp (not wet) spagnum moss in tight, then put it in the shade and water about once a week... I usually put them on my porch, so I can watch the rain, and make sure the moss does not stay to damp.
Wow!!!! Congratulations on this. I can't wait to see the finished product.
If that were Florida on the intercoastal waterway I would be dropping a shrimp in for some mangrove snapper! It does look like the mangrove trees lining much of the Inetrcoastal near Melbourne Fl. where I love to fish. I like it a lot. It seems you may need a front end loader to move it to your koi pond though :D .

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