General Acer palmatum question


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Maryland, USA
I've got an Acer palmatum in the landscape that was a transplant from a family's home. We'll be moving house in about a month to the same climate. The tree has some potential if it were chopped. It's also got air layer opportunities. Question is, can it be uprooted and transplanted to the new garden now and survive? It's non a fancy cultivar. In fact, it was a volunteer from probably a hardy seed. I'm assuming yes and I'd love to prove you wrong. 🍁☺️
Sure if you move it just before you leave and can up root the root ball, burlap it and transfer it into a similar regime.

Your tree will need good drainage at the new place, watering tapering off as the weather cools.

Water/watch it frequently next year.

Good luck and have fun in your new place!

DSD sends
Sure if you move it just before you leave and can up root the root ball, burlap it and transfer it into a similar regime.

Your tree will need good drainage at the new place, watering tapering off as the weather cools.

Water/watch it frequently next year.

Good luck and have fun in your new place!

DSD sends
Thank you! It's got a bigger garden with lots of fun. Next year, I can have a proper garden.
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