Leaf Blotch/ Leaf Spot
Cause: This is a fungal disease that spreads due to the water being too soggy. It affects the beauty and appearance of the tree, and although it does not kill it, the tree looks infected and ill.
Symptoms: Premature defoliation is a good indication that the bottlebrush may be suffering from leaf spot, but since this symptom can also be confused with root rot disease, the other, more telling symptom to look out for, is spots on its leaves. These spots are small when they begin to show, but they increase rapidly in size. They are brown in the center, with a yellowish border around it.
Prevention/ Control: When the leaves fall off, there is still fungus on them, so instead of letting them stay where they fall, it is advisable to rake them and burn them off. This will help prevent the fungus from re-attacking the tree. Spray the tree with liquid copper fungicide. Keep the soil slightly moist instead of wet, and do not over water the tree.
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