I wanted to share this tree because it's one that's really grown on me since getting it into a container this winter, after sitting in the ground beside the house for a year. It is also very different from all of my "chopped" bald cypress bonsai on the bench - the giant ones with ridiculous root flare and buttressing.
This one was rescued February 2020 from a cow pasture where it had clearly been "bush-hogged" at some point and probably would be again soon.
Some obvious flaws such as straight section with no taper, and 3 primary flat top branches emerging from the same point which will eventually lead to obscene reverse taper, but I don't care!
The container was originally ordered to use for a forest planting, but seemed ideal for this tree's shape so a last minute call was made to use it.
Looking pretty cool now with buds popping, can't wait to see it full of green at the top and to select a few more branches.
Hope you enjoy!
This one was rescued February 2020 from a cow pasture where it had clearly been "bush-hogged" at some point and probably would be again soon.
Some obvious flaws such as straight section with no taper, and 3 primary flat top branches emerging from the same point which will eventually lead to obscene reverse taper, but I don't care!
The container was originally ordered to use for a forest planting, but seemed ideal for this tree's shape so a last minute call was made to use it.
Looking pretty cool now with buds popping, can't wait to see it full of green at the top and to select a few more branches.
Hope you enjoy!