Fukien Tree white stuff


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Sunny Isles Beach
Hi there, it's been a while...
I have a question about some white stuff growing on my trees. It looks a bit fluffy so it is not like the other pictures I saw on other threads. I used a bit of baking soda with water to spray the tree and it got a little better but came back. Does anyone know what I should use on the trees?
thanks in advance!
Maybe mealy bugs? If so, they're a bitch to get rid of. Keep it away from any other trees you may have.
Not sure what those are. Will google it! Tree is also a bit “sticky” sometimes… as if it had some wet honey like stuff

thank you
..or wooly aphids/adelgid/mealy bugs. Doesn’t matter which. Scrape of the big ones off. Neem and soapy water spray ever few days in late evening. The sticky stuff is honeydew. Try to get it off with wiping or hose. It can cause black mold to attack the leaves.
The problem with Woolly aphid is some will be living on the roots below soil so any treatment above ground won't kill all of them and new ones soon climb to branches.
Contact pesticide like neem, alcohol, soap, pyrethrum, etc can control some but those treatments all need to make contact with every individual on the tree. Usally a few survive to breed so repeat treatment is required.
Systemic insecticide or real persistence seems to be the only way to get rid of them completely.

I have not tried soil drench with peroxide as used for fungus gnats but that may be a safer way to deal with those on roots?
I had them on a couple crabs I received last fall.

Neemed em, in appropriately cool weather before a sunless day, kept on squash patrol...
Only a few showed up this spring, got squished, as opposed to squashed....

Reckon I might have some soilys still....

That's what centipedes are for!

Gross how these bleed red.

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