Hi to all!
I recently bought a Mallsai from Costco. Please don’t judge. I used to have a few bonsai including a FT. I remember it was fickle. This plant was brought home, very dry. I watered it daily and put it outside on my covered patio. I saw a web on it and thought I would spray the whole plant with a mix of dish soap and water. Probably too heavy on the mixture. It has now dropped almost all its leaves. There are black spots on most leaves, more on the bottom than the top, but I can’t find any bug or pests of any kind. I have read many posts but still can’t figure out what is wrong with my tree from what I’ve read I’m in south Florida, zone 11. I put Zone 10 in my profile. Gotta change that. Is it mold? Fungus? Pests? Anyway I know you’re all tired of amateurs posting up problems with cheap mallsai problems, but any help would be greatly appreciated!
I recently bought a Mallsai from Costco. Please don’t judge. I used to have a few bonsai including a FT. I remember it was fickle. This plant was brought home, very dry. I watered it daily and put it outside on my covered patio. I saw a web on it and thought I would spray the whole plant with a mix of dish soap and water. Probably too heavy on the mixture. It has now dropped almost all its leaves. There are black spots on most leaves, more on the bottom than the top, but I can’t find any bug or pests of any kind. I have read many posts but still can’t figure out what is wrong with my tree from what I’ve read I’m in south Florida, zone 11. I put Zone 10 in my profile. Gotta change that. Is it mold? Fungus? Pests? Anyway I know you’re all tired of amateurs posting up problems with cheap mallsai problems, but any help would be greatly appreciated!