OK bnuts I have about 20 trees that need repotting. Mostly pre bonsai and tropicals that I bought over the winter and I plan to put them in grow out pots. My question is for the people that use inorganic for more mature trees but prefer organic soil in the earlier stages of the tree. At what point do you make the switch from organic to inorganic and why do you prefer to wait until you get to that stage to make the switch? (pros and cons) As you can see I live in Florida so I'm going to be dealing with a good amount of rain with a lot of heat and sun shining.Not sure if what species makes a difference or not but mostly dealing with tropics, ficus, Brazilian rain trees, premna, Barbados cherry, parrot's beak while I do have a couple conifers, procumbens and Parsoni and deciduous, elms, maples. thanks in advance!