Found some potential trees

Mike MoMo

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Pontiac Mi
Of course I am a Bonsai Nut, I can never have enough trees . The whole idea of collecting material in the urban environment is appealing to me. Beech trees are my newest obsession . Found some which I will likely cut to manageable stumps next week then collect in the spring.
Esp beech. They won't send out new leaves. One flush a season. You chop while In leaf you kill. I mean in may send out buds for next year, but you won't have accomplished much as far as development or having it be healthy for spring collection. I'd just wait til early spring and do it all, then spends years trying to make smaller leaves.
I've collected beech. You need to find a tree with foliage low and when you chop leave some foliage. Repot into good soil and let everything grow out for 2 years. then you can start to prune and train. You may not have success chopping to a stump with no foliage. Choose trees with the smallest foliage.

Beech are beautiful but very difficult trees to train for bonsai. The cons are the one flush thing and large leaves. Just dig one and try it.
That one flush thing explains a tree I collected earlier this year thinking it was an Elm. I got it out of a rain gutter during a drought, ironic. Since then I have been watering and feeding it yet no new leaves. I can tell it's alive and that the roots are growing from how it sits in the pot. Hopefully in the spring it will leaf.
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