Mister 500,000
So here are some (currently) shito just for fun trees. Post'em if you got em! If not, try some! They are fun!
First up a Texas Ebony in a round pot (sorry slightly off center) unknown maker. First as it was in a 3" pot,
then as I potted it
and finally as it is now. I am wanting to do a South African style. as it sits now it's 1 3/8" tall and 3/8" caliper. However there is a nice swelling buried that would give an extra 1/4" (at least) caliper. I have nicked the trunk and added rooting hormone in the hopes that I get roots. I left stubs at the chop points to accommodate for die back they will be removed later.
First up a Texas Ebony in a round pot (sorry slightly off center) unknown maker. First as it was in a 3" pot,
then as I potted it
and finally as it is now. I am wanting to do a South African style. as it sits now it's 1 3/8" tall and 3/8" caliper. However there is a nice swelling buried that would give an extra 1/4" (at least) caliper. I have nicked the trunk and added rooting hormone in the hopes that I get roots. I left stubs at the chop points to accommodate for die back they will be removed later.