Are you thinking a shorter tree? You might need to let it run to thicken otherwise.
The neighbors at our last house had a specimen pin oak out front. Beautifully shapped tree! Nice and tall and conical. The low branches grew down and out to give the tree a teardrop shape. It looked manicured though they didn't do much to it.
I hated that tree in the spring when the leaves fell during the rains and killed my lawn! It seems nothing kills a lawn faster than cold, wet oak leaves
Beautiful tree though. There time I have a chance to pick some pin oak acorns...
Yeah. I'm gonna develop the tree as a shohin, so about eight inches. The fat part of the trunk is maybe four inches tall? From here on out, I'm planning to let all of the branches run for a while to thicken up, but I wanted to give the lower branches a head start, so they don't wither and die. Pin oaks grow pretty much like conifers in overall conformation, so they're strongly apically dominant.
Here’s a look at the current branch structure before the tree leafs out. I’m hoping to thicken the primary branches this year just a bit more before I focus on ramification. Lots of fertilizer this year.