First Collected Tree


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Småland Sweden

This is my first collected tree, a scots pine (pinus sylvestris). I found it on the edge of a cliff. I know it is not a very nice tree, especially the taper, but I thought it would be ok for me to have as a first go at yamadori. I spent an hour cleaning off the reindeer lichen and moss that was covering it, and it now sits in a mix of original and bonsai soil (cat litter, perlite, and lecakulor).

Opinions and/or tips?

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When it is stabilized would consider chopping it and making a new leader. Probably that first more upward branch. Thar would give you the taper you want. Nice aged trunk. Sorry didn't see the 2nd picture at first. The trunk to the right in the 2nd picture would be a good leader. Better taper and movement.
Thank you! Was thinking the same as well, or bending it to fill in a gap. Hopefully it survives that long!
You can wire and train as needed once you establish the leader. You wont be able to do much with the larger branches at this time
I am very open to ideas. At the moment, the most vigorous branch is the straight vertical leader. I will try to get a better picture.
I’m curious - was the die back on the tree while it was still in the ground? I sure hope that tree makes it because it has interesting features.
I’m curious - was the die back on the tree while it was still in the ground? I sure hope that tree makes it because it has interesting features.

Just collected it. So all of the die back was from when it was in the ground. It was barely in soil, and held in mostly by reindeer lichen. So not the best of growing conditions!

That is the one I would chop. It is just too straight and little taper

Here is a better picture.
If that 2nd trunk doesn't come back the other option would be to watch for new buds amd chop it low. Below the first branches. Just keep the base and nebari and train a new leader from there
Realising now that with it basically living off of the reindeer lichen, maybe I should have not removed it all. There was a bit that I left on the root ball, but the rest I binned.. I put some of it back. Honestly, I would be very surprised if it lasts another season!

If that 2nd trunk doesn't come back the other option would be to watch for new buds amd chop it low. Below the first branches. Just keep the base and nebari and train a new leader from there

Also a brilliant idea. It has some lovely movement lower on, but as you said, it does not have a lot of vigour. Hopefully it improves.
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