I have quite a few Japanese black pine growing in the ground in grow bags. I haven't heard anyone discuss the nuances of what to cut, when to cut, or how to cut to encourage the fastest base thickening and keep lower growth healthy. I have heard to not trim or cut back to encourage rapid thickening, but you also need to keep growth as close to the base a possible and get movement lower on the trunk. I am afraid the lower growth will get shaded out and die due to the top getting so big, and only growing formal upright trees. Now I am letting it grow free not trimming anything. Is this the correct first steps to growing larger JBP or do I just need to keep one leader growing and cut all the whirls back to one branch to allow lower branches to survive? I've also been thinking of when to chop the trunk to introduce movement, but when is the right time to do this and how big of a wound will I be able to get to callous on a JBP? Any help is appreciated.