Failed air layer on a Spartan Juniper


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Evansville, Indiana
So, I am in 6b and autumn is approaching. I have a juniper I set up for an air layer back in May ( if I remember correctly). Unfortunately, it did not take. My question is should I leave it be and wait until spring or is there any merit in trying again now and letting it go until the next growing season? It's cooling off enough that I doubt I'd get any substantial root development but we're probably not due for any freezes anytime soon. Thank you for your time
Roots don't stop growing through the fall. When you say it failed, what do you mean? No roots? Calloused over? No callous at all? If it calloused, score the callous and add some rooting hormone, add sphagnum if you didn't have enough, repack and leave it in. Check again in spring. The advantage you have while leaving it attached is that it will still receive nutrients through the branch unless the mother plant blocks it and it dies.

I was able to layer my Hollywood juniper by just girdling it with a copper wire and painting it with Clonex. As long as you keep the sphagnum moist it should throw roots.
Spartans have really nice small foliage. The downfall is that they have long internodes and do not grow that dense. I have one I have been experimenting with. Definitely nothing I am taking seriously though.
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