Evergreens pruning and styling in fall ?


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Beirut Lebanon
Got a few olives and a cotton Easter that I pruned and wired a couple months back. Just removed wire of first one to see some bite marks under (didn't see those while inspecting so seems tricky )
Now the trees mostly responded well to pruning and got bifurcations at site cuts and extended growth. Also shape set after removing wire so that looks fine.
My question is isnitnok to represent and maybe rewire now as its fall or will it induce new growth that the coming winter will kill ? We don't have freezing temos here notneven close but temp can go down to 10 degrees Celsius by early December?
If I'm to wait till next year appreciate tips on when to start pruning working and rewiring next season to make the best of next growing season.

16 aug after pruning and rewiring
Just now
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In your climate, you can do anything now. I would repot in spring, not now. But even doing that now would not pose a big problem. The conservative approach for olives is for poor saps like me, who do not expect to see daytime temps over 10C for 4+ months per year with sub-zero risk during that whole period and sunshine so weak you do not feel it on your skin.
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