Eminem - Palms are *sticky* —Japanese White Pine Wind Swept


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Lehigh Valley Pennsylvania
Okay so posted earlier about how I wanted to re-wire my Japanese White Pine before it sets till spring , thought about removing all branches then had a revelation.
The front is a bit off but that’s an easy fix come repotting in spring , since it’s still in normal soil with some drainage akadama. Did not touch the roots.


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Not bad, looks good 👍
I’ve e never attempted the style, but it seems to me that when the limbs are more horizontal, it really helps to bring the style to the viewer’s eye.
Fixed , the way the branches are it will be gradual but it’s a good start.


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Haha jokes aside though I know it’s still developing but how can I improve it ,besides once the branches stick besides horizontally and obviously rearranging the pot orientation to match the flow of the pine

Ohh no....Its cool, I was just playing with the rhyme that's all. I am in no position to give u advice.
Wired with copper and salvaged /straightened the aluminum wire... gonna use those for my deciduous trees after leaves fall. Copper really is better for pines


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But did you learn something? You probably still like "windswept", how will you adjust your brain to try it again? Normally, you learn little or nothing doing things right. When you do them wrong, important information is burned into your brain.
But did you learn something? You probably still like "windswept", how will you adjust your brain to try it again? Normally, you learn little or nothing doing things right. When you do them wrong, important information is burned into your brain.
Oh yes I have 6 trees that I killed last year out of sheer stupidity, under watering(in winter) , over watering and too much too soon. And to not just go after anything , just because it’s cheap. And thanks to my education in bonsai from apprenticing on weekends, youtube and on here I’m way in a better spot.
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