Eco-friendly pest extermination!


Nonsense Rascal
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Berwyn, Il
At first glance, you may think those webs are mites.

However, it is the return of my jumping spider army!

Caterpillars, moths, aphids, pretty much anything that moves.


We were talking about centipedes on the Aphids won't go away thread.

My population growth, I realized today, was in response to the abundance of gnats that came after I threw some organic fert in my ficus a week or 2 ago.


And my gnats have since reduced as well!

I got another death trick too...

Will your environmental ways have no end......will legions if spiders not satisfy your desire for botanical conquest? When will you have your fill Sorce? When will you have your fill? How many spidermites and gnats must die? How many??! .
Black widows for days here, I even bring the big ones home from work. They help keep the pests away, AND THE FIANCÉ! Two birds one stone:p

I have spiders between trees to the point that I think they are trying to pull off the ultimate heist and get me. They eat the mosquitoes and other small insects around trees.

There is a species a lizard I find climbing to bask in the trees. They seem to eat bigger insects.

Love it natural.
A dare Beav!

Oh Clam of great Mineral.

I gotta pic of one of the still white youngsters.

Bout 3/16in. 4MMish.

Real long and stringy these get.

Figured this should come here...

You wanna hear about my New off the wall plan to kill bugs?

You fallers know how a gravity bong works right? Duh! take a bunch of DE, dust too, actually, only large particles and dust if you can sift out the middle....

Put it in a larger pot than your tree, put your tree in that pot, and fill around the sides with said bigs and dust.....

Wrap a bag around the top with a tiny hole at the top to let air escape......

Then you gravity bong it....

The dust, the real fine dust, Will waft up through all the cracks and crevices of your tree, and dry out all the God Damn mites.


I haven't tried it, but.......

I will this year!

I think real bad infestations can be wiped out like this....

Just wash the tree free of dust later...


A dare Beav!

Oh Clam of great Mineral.

I gotta pic of one of the still white youngsters.
View attachment 131117

Bout 3/16in. 4MMish.

Real long and stringy these get.

Weird looking. Looks like it is the air. Hmmmmm...I don't have those can keep them though....I have enough to worry about.
The last 2 years I've had ants excavating the ground around a cherry tree in my front garden. They colonise the canopy and then 'farm' aphids which have stressed the tree loads. I didn't want to chemically treat them so I put sticky wax around the trunk near the base to stop the ants then bought about 100 ladybug larvae and let them loose into the foliage. Within a week all the aphids had gone! I even managed to collect a dozen or so of the larvae and put them on some climbing plants in the back where I noticed more aphids.
I have a reoccurring colony if assasin bugs that watch over all my trees. They are quite fierce.
Praying Mantis

Found a baby on my mugo!20170529_121853.jpg

Transfered him to the cypress bush which is hosting the aphids.


I met a neighbor yesterday.
A guy who's yard I've admired since I moved.

He saw my trees, and stopped me to ask.
Turns out he does Bonsai too!
But only has about 5 left.

The Hinoki Cypress, white flowering redbud, smoke tree from 82!....all moved from his place in the city...
4 lots, giant koi pond!...mad trees!

Like an Urban JudyB! No more room for biggies!
Go small!


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