twisted trees
Is the eclipse going to hurt my trees.
Is the eclipse going to hurt my trees.
I got a good look from the Columbia MD area, at about 2:45 pm.Never seemed to happen here - serious
It wasn't quite total here, never got really dark, just kind of errie looking. Looked neat through the glasses, but for all the hoopla they've been going on about on the news here for weeks, kind of disappointing. It stormed like hell, immediately after.
Spontaneous combustion?My ilex died.
Next time I recommend shade cloth.Trouble here.. just read the fine print on the safety alert.. evidently EVERY leaf and needle needed their own eclipse glasses, not just a pair for the whole tree. Doing what I can, but worried about massive dieback.
That was what we expected here, but totality ended up being about an hour and a half south of me. That is an awesome picture, that had to really be something to see in person.Definitely not disappointing when you were in totality.View attachment 157804