Anjin Blackthumb
Greetings everyone. Been a couple years since my first post. Still have about a million questions, but I'll go one at a time.
So, I found a pretty good size hinoki at a local nursery. Loved the trunk movement when I got into the plant, couldn't resist taking it home with me.
Ref: Zone 5, Colorado Front Range, 5000' alt. Plant purchased in July. It's a 3-gallon.
Conventional wisdom seems to hold that this like most conifers is a full-sun plant, maybe 30% afternoon shade per Bjorn IIRC.
Nursery people here say absolutely not, this is a nearly full shade plant....So I put it in the Colorado mostly full sun. And the tips of much of the foliage immediately crisped and browned. So back under the covered porch it went and it's doing better now.
Questions are: 1. What's up with that? 2. How well do they winter over? 3) how soon or late can I get it out of the nursery soil and into some pumice/akadama mix, or 4) Fuggetaboutit, take it back to the nursery while it's still alive and buy more junipers?
I'm trying to learn everything I can from these online gurus, but all the tutorial-making experts are in England, Tennessee, or Oregon... sea level rain forests compared to Colorado, and all the rules seem to be different here.
Any advice would be appreciated. TIA.
So, I found a pretty good size hinoki at a local nursery. Loved the trunk movement when I got into the plant, couldn't resist taking it home with me.
Ref: Zone 5, Colorado Front Range, 5000' alt. Plant purchased in July. It's a 3-gallon.
Conventional wisdom seems to hold that this like most conifers is a full-sun plant, maybe 30% afternoon shade per Bjorn IIRC.
Nursery people here say absolutely not, this is a nearly full shade plant....So I put it in the Colorado mostly full sun. And the tips of much of the foliage immediately crisped and browned. So back under the covered porch it went and it's doing better now.
Questions are: 1. What's up with that? 2. How well do they winter over? 3) how soon or late can I get it out of the nursery soil and into some pumice/akadama mix, or 4) Fuggetaboutit, take it back to the nursery while it's still alive and buy more junipers?
I'm trying to learn everything I can from these online gurus, but all the tutorial-making experts are in England, Tennessee, or Oregon... sea level rain forests compared to Colorado, and all the rules seem to be different here.
Any advice would be appreciated. TIA.