Doomed Japanese Maple Sharpes Pygmy


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Dallas TX
I bought this less then a year ago and I think it was doomed from the start. trying to salvage some with it now. After I ordered it they put it in a box and waited for the shippers. When the shippers arrived it was to big and needed to be shipped on a pallet. Still in the box a few days later they told me the story and offered me a huge discount on a second tree and free shipping because it could ship on the same pallet. Maple is still in the box. They boxed up the second one, put both on the crate and shipped. When I got it the 2nd tree was fine but the maple had more leaves in the box than on the tree. Within 3 days the tree had no leaves at all. These were fresh new small leaves. Took forever to start budding out again and started to grow but then just kind of gave up and didn't want to grow anymore. This spring some of the branches are starting to die. Also asked how long it was in the pot. Said around 2 years. I decided to take it out of the pot and chop the dead branches off. Completely full of roots. There was probably only a cup of soil after I cleaned up the roots.

There are some small buds but I think they are from last year when it was trying to grow back from the complete box style defoliation. Don't think there's much else I can do and may have not been the best thing to do what I did but felt like it was just going to keep dieing.

Here are some pictures. May need to chop down further??20170330_181610.jpg
Great start, my teacher missed watering one of her nursery potted junipers last summer in July...not good. The tree was completely leafless in 2 days and did have some branch die back, but it did wake up this my garden :D maples are tough, it should pull through.

I'll keep my finger crossed. Would love to see it come back.
Give it time, maples are quite resilient! Trust me I have done lots of torture to them and always amazed at their comeback!
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