Does everyone follow the No fertilizer for one month after repotting "rule"?


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SE Michigan
Does everyone follow the No fertilizer for one month after repotting "rule"? Why or why not?
Does it matter if it's organic or inorganic fertilizer?
Maybe. Depends on the tree and the severity of the repot and the season. If I feel the roots are at all compromised, I hold off until I see signs of stability. But for a tree well-established in bonsai soil that I am just doing a standard repot - no I fertilize immediately.
Jonas told me to wait to fertilize the JBP. I've always held off a few weeks. His telling me that. Made me just nod and was my normal policy then.

Those who do...I don't knock their process. But understanding what fertilizer they use...first out the gate after repot would be interesting to know. There are more variables my brain churns to think may apply.
i fert almost daily or at every watering, a heavily diluted dose of either tomatoe feed or miracle grow along with the slo release granules on soil surface.
I don’t see any correlation. I fertilize according to the stage of development of that tree. If I want growth I fertilize whether the tree was repotted or not. If I want to maintain a more developed tree, I withhold the ferts until later in the year.
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