Mike Corazzi
Get all the potions and cures and systemic additives that most here use on their more modest trees?
You know this how???You want to know if highly prized show trees are showered with fungicides and biocides as much as our garden plants?
No, I believe for those highly prized plants people do stick to the label.
Whereas home use.. Well.. What label was it again?! Tbs means tiny bucket scoop, right?
Non-professionals suck at identifying pests fungi and bacteria. So they use biocides like grenades in fish tanks. Professional tree care people tend use very specific means to combat very specific issues.
At least, that's my assumption. The arborists I know work like that, but none of them own bonsai.
I'll drink to that!Beer
I guess that was a question? Oh you’re from California, that makes senseThe only thing I wondered but was apparently unclear in the asking was whether anyone knew if heritage trees got treatments.
For prevention of disease or pests.
Or lack of clarity in questions.
Experience. Just have a look at what people are using on this forum and the amount of times this causes trouble because they did not read the label. Somehow we never see that with professionals.You know this how???
Kaya, an apprentice with Boon at the time of the photo... I wonder what he was doing...
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When you break it down like that, it doesn’t seem like much. That’s easily enough man power to hand groom for insects and use low-impact fungicides like sulphur. Or even something like Bordeaux mixture as a preventative. But again, these are techniqually ornamentals. Expensive ones. So there’s a trade-off by potentially eliminating beneficial life for the sake of sterilizing the environment. If you can establish a healthy homeostatic environment year round I don’t see reason. Miracle grow is as far as I go but I don’t have many trees.I think the idea is 50 to 30 medium/large trees,
Mame' ?
Not really 3000 or so,
But then I would wonder how good the attendants were
at looking after their quota ?
Say 6 guys with 300 trees to tend to.
Good Day