Do I need a shade cloth for my maples and willows


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Lancaster, PA
Hello I live in a apartment with a balcony and I currently have a greenhouse out on the balcony for wintering my bonsai's but it also provides some protection to my maples and willows for the summer. Does anyone know what I could do. Management thinks it is an eye sore and it has been out for the past two years, anyways they want me to take it down. Do you think I need a shade cloth and if so do you know of any shadecloths that look pleasing to the eye. What do you think?
What times of day does it get direct sunlight? What kinds of maples?
Morning sun is good. Direct afternoon sun would be a bit too much.....30% shade cloth could help.
Thanks and it is an east facing balcony. So I get morning sun and do not get much in the afternoon.
What times of day does it get direct sunlight? What kinds of maples?
Maples Japanese, and some other cultivars like blood good, nurasagi, lace maples. Morning sun and the balcony is covered.
How those willows doing? I had them growing in full sun they can take more than you think. 😉
How those willows doing? I had them growing in full sun they can take more than you think. 😉
They are doing great and the american elm seedlings are growing like weeds. LOL. When should I repot the american elms into their own pots?
That’s great to hear! You can pull those whenever, they repot well. They are weeds around here 🤣 I think next year I’m going to sit out empty pots and let the elms seed them and give them out here. Something fun and it will give everyone that wants them all the elms they could ever need.
Morning sun is good. Direct afternoon sun would be a bit too much.....30% shade cloth could help.
Down here in 9A. Direct afternoon sun will kill my maples. Willows can withstand anything. I can hardly kill it. As a matter of fact, I'm not doing any willow bonsai because we are trying so hard to kill it.
Down here in 9A. Direct afternoon sun will kill my maples. Willows can withstand anything. I can hardly kill it. As a matter of fact, I'm not doing any willow bonsai because we are trying so hard to kill it.
The only reason you'd possibly want partial shade for a willow is if you can't keep up with the watering requirements. They'll suck water most vigorously in full sun, so having afternoon shade can save you on a lot of watering.
I would tell management to leave me alone it’s just a greenhouse
What does this eye sore greenhouse look like? A photo?
And, what do the trees you’re protecting look like? A photo?
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