Yes more details would be good.
1. What price?
2. When would it be available?
3. Mail or pickup?
4. Particle size?
5. Sifted or not?
6. What is the minimum retail order?
The first answer to almost everything you asked is I need to know what YOU need, and I work backward from there.
I don’t have all the pieces in place yet. There’s an easy way and there’s a hard way. The easy way is buying in bulk from build-a-soil and parting out from there. It’s a pretty low-risk method but the pricing isn’t amazing.
For example, there’s a guy on Etsy in Pennsylvania selling 14 quarts of pumice for $30, but he’s also offering free shipping, and I don’t see how he’s shipping for under $20, so he’s gotta be somewhere around $10 gross after shipping. If he’s going the build-a-soil route, he’s only making $1-2 profit on each sale. So he’s gotta have some incredible pricing, either in bulk, or in shipping.
The hard way is ordering straight from the quarries. On the plus side, I live in a city that’s a major railway hub because it is a major port too. I don’t yet have estimates on shipping by rail, and I don’t have quotes from quarries yet either.
Then there’s the unknowns about warehousing and bagging. The port provides both, so I’m contacting them Monday to inquire.
Sifting is going to be tough. The port says they have “processing” services for aggregates but I don’t know if that will include sifting. I’m going to guess not. And sifting by hand in bulk will be a pain, unless I have some heavy duty equipment, which I won’t have upfront.
So I’m guessing it’ll not be sifted further than the size I order from the quarry. If that’s a deal breaker, then I will need to take that into account and work out a solution.
On particle size, I’m thinking 1/4-3/8.
I don’t know a minimum order yet, and I’d expect to offer a shipping option. I also don’t know anything on when it would be available yet, but I would think it would need to be before spring.
You didn’t ask about bagged or not, but others did. If I do bagged, it would be helpful to know a size. I’m thinking that no one needs a small amount of pumice so 50-lb/50-qt maybe. Obviously that influences the shipping if not pickup.
So, to recap, I have mostly unknowns right now, but a lot of what you asked about I need to know your needs. I’d also like to get an idea of the sort of volume you’d expect to need a year.