Dawn Redwood damage.


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I have three young Dawn Redwood trees planted this year. During a storm last night my miniature greenhouse got knocked over and the three trees took some severe damage. I’ve repotted all three and am ready to put them back outside but which each losing at least one of it’s branches is there any hope for them to come back from dormancy? Any advice would be appreciated.
(I was only able to upload a picture of one, the one which had sustained the least damage. Of the other two: one has lost all of it’s branches and the other only has one branch left)
Don’t know how cold it gets but I’d think they will. You can always opt to just put them in the ground.
Could you let us know where this happened? It is difficult to give you advice without knowing where you live.
Here, Here.
Climate has a big impact on how any particular species will grow and what it will mange to survive. a location and USDA climate zone added to your profile will help others provide much better advice. Pls add location to your profile so it shows each time you post.
Dawn redwood are pretty tough. Without seeing the damage I'd be surprised if any of your Dawn redwoods died from a simple unpot or loss of a a few branches.
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