Dark patches and yellow crystals on Ficus leaves. What's the cause?


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UK (South-West)
Here is a picture of two of the leaves of my 26 year old Ficus. I cut them off when I saw them.

- There is some blackish/grey discolouration on both leaves.
- On the bottom of the smaller leaf, there are also some yellow crystal-like structures in the same place as the area of discolouration. You can see these in the photo. Maybe aphid honeydew? Not sure.
- When I cut off the leaves, a big droplet of whitish fluid flowed out. I'm presuming this is sap, and nothing to worry about, but I thought I'd mention it.
- I also found one root that had grown out through the hole at the base of the pot, which had a white fur on it.

Do you guys have any ideas about what's going on here? Are these two things (leaves and root) related, or are they separate diseases? How should I go about dealing with them?


  • Bonsai leaves.jpg
    Bonsai leaves.jpg
    70.1 KB · Views: 47
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Could be just old leaves.

Here's a whole pic! Looking pretty healthy otherwise (I hope)


  • Bonsai tree.jpg
    Bonsai tree.jpg
    22.6 KB · Views: 43
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Could be just old leaves.


I've sent a whole pic (above).

The large leaf might be old, but the smaller leaf seems to be quite a young one? Though it's hard to tell.
Sorce is right. It is shedding old leaves. It may be a 26 year old plant but it is new to you. A lot of us have ficus here. You are not likely to get much more help with this until you let us know where you live. I am only guessing it isn't the tropics.
Sorce is right. It is shedding old leaves. It may be a 26 year old plant but it is new to you. A lot of us have ficus here. You are not likely to get much more help with this until you let us know where you live. I am only guessing it isn't the tropics.

Thank you. I live in the UK (south coast). I've had this tree for two years, so you're right, I haven't been around for the full lifespan!

Old leaves would be a very welcome answer. It's the yellow crystals I'm most worried about, because I haven't seen anything like that before. Do you have any idea what those could be (or are they a symptom of the aging leaf?)

Also, I cut off these leaves myself. It didn't shed them. But they may have shed if I'd waited longer.
The crystals are probably salt buildup or calcium in your water. Give the plant a shower now and again.
Challenge yourself to go identify all the old leaves right now.

And if you can't find any, find where they were.

Challenge yourself to go identify all the old leaves right now.

And if you can't find any, find where they were.


I can identify the two that I cut off, because they bled out with some whitish fluid.

As for the others... hm. I guess I don't know how to judge the age of the leaf.
You do.


Hmmm. I can only think of size and colouration.

Larger and darker = older.

But by those definitions, one of the leaves in my original post must be young. It's far smaller than most of the leaves on the tree. Am I missing something?
There is no need to cut old leaves off. They plant knows when to let them go better than you.
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<<<<< It will show here.

Save that sap. When you get enough you can make a rubber tire, or some latex paint! The older leaves are the most interior, or closer to the trunk. All growth is terminal, new leaves are on the ends of branches. They are only good for some period of time which varies by species. Your tree looks like a Ficus retusa or Tigerbark which should keep leaves more than one year, but less than three, all depending upon how much/fast it's growing.
There is no need to cut old leaves off. They plant knows when to let them go better than you.

I won't in future. It was just in case those dark patches and yellow crystals were something fungal. I read elsewhere that you should cut off the leaves in these instances.

Is it worth using a fungicide? Or are you pretty confident these leaves are just aging naturally.

(thanks for the help by the way)
If you go to the upper right hand corner and click on your Icon, you can add your location and people will be able to customize advice for you.

Thank you! I've done that now.

The older leaves are the most interior, or closer to the trunk. All growth is terminal, new leaves are on the ends of branches.

Ah. Good to know. Seems obvious now that you say it.
Do you think I have nothing to worry about then? I don't need to take any urgent action?
It looks healthy. More pictures would amuse us!
Just here to say that is not a 26 year old tree. If anything I'd say it's 6 at most.

Ficus retusa is a completely different ficus altogether. This is a microcarpa, likely of the 'Tigerbark' variety.
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