New Juniper owner here. Received three junipers in the mail about two weeks ago. Did some slight pruning, and watered them daily when the soil felt slightly dry. They have direct sun for about 4-5 hrs throughout the day.
I went on a trip for about five days, and asked someone to water them every day. When I came back, I found out they had been watered only once. This is when I began to notice the dry, prickly foliage. Some would come off in my fingers easily. I also noticed the tips of the main trunk started to wilt. Needless to say, since returning they've gotten more water.
I've been keeping a closer eye on the moisture level of the soil now, and just started using a 2-1-6 fertilizer today(It's what I have). Am I doing enough? I have noticed this in spots on the opposite end of the tree, but I haven't noticed it on the other two trees just yet. I've attached pictures of the crispy and regular foliage, as well as the growth on the trunk tip.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.
I went on a trip for about five days, and asked someone to water them every day. When I came back, I found out they had been watered only once. This is when I began to notice the dry, prickly foliage. Some would come off in my fingers easily. I also noticed the tips of the main trunk started to wilt. Needless to say, since returning they've gotten more water.
I've been keeping a closer eye on the moisture level of the soil now, and just started using a 2-1-6 fertilizer today(It's what I have). Am I doing enough? I have noticed this in spots on the opposite end of the tree, but I haven't noticed it on the other two trees just yet. I've attached pictures of the crispy and regular foliage, as well as the growth on the trunk tip.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you.