Crepe Myrtle cuttings

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Oklahoma City
When is the best time for Crepe Myrtle cuttings? I have heard some say it is winter, some say June.
I have been trying cm cuttings since early spring and have had not the greatest results. Here is what I have done so far:
cutting straight in a pot, in the Sun and kept moist- dried out in 3 days
cutting straight in a pot in the shade and kept moist- dried out in 3 days
cutting in pot with 2 liter soda bottle over it to act as miniature green house in partial sun- it burnt up in 2 days
cutting in pot with 2 liter soda bottle over it to act as miniature green house pot and everything placed in white plastic bag in partial sun-10 days still looking good.
Ever find a successful method?
I take hardwood cutting late winter before they wake up with about 70% efficacy. The larger cuttings work best but smaller ones root faster. I have never tried summer cuttings. I have more success with tree types over shrub types.
I did summer cuttings a few years ago, take cuttings once new branches harden off. Make cuttings about 6 inches long and leave 2-3 leaves at the tip. Dip in rooting hormone and insert 3-4 inches in sterile media. Put under under humidity dome. In about 2 months you will know if they struck, do not “tug” to check, you will start seeing new growth if they took.
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