Creating my bonsai Chaste tree


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Las Vegas
So here I was in a California nursery about to head back to Las Vegas when I found this very interesting looking bonsai material. In the first picture, it looks like a trunk with the first layer/pad just starting to take shape. Before that, it was in a big pot at a nursery with a 6 foot growth growing from it. It was practically a tree, let me tell you that. I knew that this is what I wanted to buy so I took it over to the register bought it and requested the lead growth to be cut off and to let the thick trunk remain. They thought I was absolutely crazy. They cut it down and asked what I was going to do with it. I told them I was going to create a beautiful bonsai tree. They chuckled and then replied with "what do you want us to do with this giant 6 foot leader growth we just cut off?". I just told them to throw it away. They were completely surprised and thought I just through my money away. I only paid $40 for it and I turned it into an almost show worthy bonsai specimen. Unfortunately, I sold it before I was done with it. I wanted to finish off the top pad and add some dead wood to the top to get rid of that awful scar. I also wanted to enhance the tree with the nature scaring by performing a jin/shari on it to give more contrast. However, that tree is going to make it big somewhere one of these days anyway. I just know it! I can't wait to see it if someone ever decides to bring it to a show and have if photographed. Then I could say, "hey I used to own that tree.". Then I would smile and continue on with my life. :) Hope you all enjoy! Let me know what you think.

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proof of your!!! buy that for $40 but try to sell an azalea cutting for $300.... I can only imagine what the person who purchased that from you paid??

I only paid $40 for it and I turned it into an almost show worthy bonsai specimen.

decent material...but "almost show worthy" is beyond a stretch
proof of your!!! buy that for $40 but try to sell an azalea cutting for $300.... I can only imagine what the person who purchased that from you paid??

decent material...but "almost show worthy" is beyond a stretch

The person paid $400 for it. Shipping alone was $60 when I repotted it, and I shipped it in a $100 pot. So really, I lost more than I gained. However, yes, I feel it was almost show worthy. Not a Japanese bonsai show of course, but a typical show that is.
Do you have any old pictures of it? Without those, we can only assume that you bought the tree as-is and didn't work it down to this. Just curious.
I do not unfortunately. However, the first picture shows how I developed the first pad around the trunk. All those, when I bought the plant, were just straggles of growth with no shape at all. Just straight and skinny growths. Sorry for no more pics, I actually thought it was going to die as it was my first attempt at creating a tree from nothing but a stump practically. Please forgive me.
So then all you've done is work on the pads? It's a nice tree, just trying to figure out what work you put into it.
So here it is: I bought a stump, grew out some stems, wired them, created each pad and then removed excess wood on all of the dead parts and left it for some jin/shari work but never got to it as I sold it. Pretty much it in a Nut shell.
bought a stump

I don't give a shit of you built shitty branches on a dope ass trunk....

They say buy a trunk....
You got that part right here...

So step one....that many folks....including myself....can not grasp.....
Buy a good trunk.....success.....

Moving on to step 2.....

Cut them branches off and start over!

Dope ass trunk!

Good looking material, very nice trunk. The wire on one of the right branches looks as if it is/will choke the branch out of life. I am terrible at wiring/bending branches, so I am not a good source, but do look at some of the online tutorials, and you will see that you moght need heavier wire for the larger branches and to practice a bit the wiring.
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You got your business model all messed up surgeon...that's all...


$400 on this, (with no branches) with 3 free unknown azalea cuttings with beautiful flowers....
Free shipping....

I bet you get at least $300 then.
And your good marks will go up!

The trunk is beautiful. Would be interesting to see it 5 years down the road.
So here it is: I bought a stump, grew out some stems, wired them, created each pad and then removed excess wood on all of the dead parts and left it for some jin/shari work but never got to it as I sold it. Pretty much it in a Nut shell.

Vitex are not a species you want to do jin/shari on as they rot really quickly. Looks like the stems are just that, stems. That's about 2 weeks of growth from a bare trunk. The trick with them is the cut back to the first pair of leaves many, many times. You will get nice ramification and leaf reduction this way.
Vitex are not a species you want to do jin/shari on as they rot really quickly. Looks like the stems are just that, stems. That's about 2 weeks of growth from a bare trunk. The trick with them is the cut back to the first pair of leaves many, many times. You will get nice ramification and leaf reduction this way.
Thanks for the great info Milehigh_7. As to answer your previous question, I am from Las Vegas as you said, and I live close by the South Point Casino. What about you? Also, have you visited the bonsai club out here?
I am in the Southeast part of town close to Sunset Station. I met several of the club members a few years ago when I sold my collection. I have never been able to get to a meeting however.
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