So here I was in a California nursery about to head back to Las Vegas when I found this very interesting looking bonsai material. In the first picture, it looks like a trunk with the first layer/pad just starting to take shape. Before that, it was in a big pot at a nursery with a 6 foot growth growing from it. It was practically a tree, let me tell you that. I knew that this is what I wanted to buy so I took it over to the register bought it and requested the lead growth to be cut off and to let the thick trunk remain. They thought I was absolutely crazy. They cut it down and asked what I was going to do with it. I told them I was going to create a beautiful bonsai tree. They chuckled and then replied with "what do you want us to do with this giant 6 foot leader growth we just cut off?". I just told them to throw it away. They were completely surprised and thought I just through my money away. I only paid $40 for it and I turned it into an almost show worthy bonsai specimen. Unfortunately, I sold it before I was done with it. I wanted to finish off the top pad and add some dead wood to the top to get rid of that awful scar. I also wanted to enhance the tree with the nature scaring by performing a jin/shari on it to give more contrast. However, that tree is going to make it big somewhere one of these days anyway. I just know it! I can't wait to see it if someone ever decides to bring it to a show and have if photographed. Then I could say, "hey I used to own that tree.". Then I would smile and continue on with my life. Hope you all enjoy! Let me know what you think.