Cornus kousa Cuttings


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Western Long Island, NY
I have an 8ft C. kousa I am going to chop for bonsai. Seems like somewhat of a waste to just throw out such a large living portion of tree. How would I go about taking a bunch of cuttings, and storing until I can pot them? These are among my most favorite trees so to have a bunch to work with would be awesome.
Look up "dormant hardwood cuttings" and you'll find what you want. Don't know how well Kousa root, but my experience with C. Florida wasn't very positive. Worth doing though, rather than just chucking them.
Good luck!
Yeah, something was telling me it'd be difficult to root them. I'll give it a shot regardless. Kind of figure I'll do a whole bunch and if one roots its a win
Good luck but I think it will be a waste of time trying to root a Kousa. Why not consider doing a layer this summer.
Looking to do a chop to the trunk and start developing so not looking to air layer.

Anyone know why C. kousa don't root easily?
Checked Dirr's "Manual of Woody Landscape Plants". Seem's they root very easily from softwood, but no mention of hardwood cuttings. I'll give it a go and will report back.
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