Appreciate the feedback. These trees are all around 35 years old, grown from acorns and raised in nursery containers. The trees all look healthy with new growth and buds on all parts of the tree. I think that this condition did not occur over night. The rest of the bark on the tree appears very healthy. Don't think it is rodents. I read that possibly a part of the branch can die off if roots feeding that part were cut too severely. Last time roots were cut on this tree was over two years ago. Hope this info helps. Any info from you would be greatly welcomed.The most common reason in potted plants is some sort of physical damage. I would not expect cork oaks to be particularly susceptible to this.
Boring insects, sunburn on young trees, and rodents are also a possibility.
In field conditions herbicides can also cause damage that looks like that, but herbicide damage is pretty uncommon in the bonsai world. It is slightly more common in production nurseries, but also a rare occurrence.
Trees are in Southern California. The loss of the bark does not appear to have damaged the cambium but not sure how to check that out. The loss of the bark is only on a few branches. As I noted earlier, the trees are very healthy and are growing well. it could be a good shari feature on the tree.Where is home? Please add location to profile. Tree appears dead wood has break in the middle. If tree bent severely or suddenly could have killed bark above/below break generally outside of bend area. Also appears from weathering of dead wood to be several years old damage. Not a problem as adds valuable character to tree. Also small possibility bark was scraped off accidently