Confusing Watering Instructions: Japanese Yew


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Hello, new to the forum with my first bonsai in 8 years, and my first conifer. Hope ya ll could help as I couldn’t find a related thread.

- The book I bought said to use a soft wood stick in the soil technique and water when the tip starts to feel dry.
- Nursery said just water every two days.
- Internet’s been saying water when top soil is really dry.

Front of sunny window with fan blowing on low.

Top soil feels really dry but stick is pretty wet. Been four days since last watering.

Paid a pretty penny for this guy and would really be a shame to lose this guy. Any help is appreciated!😬 Thanks in advance! 🙏


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Welcome to the site!

Before we get into the nitty gritty, where do you live? And can you keep that yew outside?
Roots must stay damp and must get oxygen (i.e., cannot be underwater). Stick test works well but you must have some awareness of where the roots are. Simply flick the soil around a bit until you start uncovering them. Take note of where this is along your stick. Put the soil back and judge when to water by your stick becoming dry at the level of the roots.

Yews are amazingly shade tolerant, but will do better outside = more sunlight, even in shade.

However, since it has been inside all this time, be careful. Cold hardiness is developed by being exposed to the usual pattern of deepening chill that normally occurs during fall and early winter. Lacking this, freezing temperatures might be fatal. Planted in the ground, most taxus tolerate the cold of USDA zone 5. In a pot, mulch covering the pot will imitate having the roots in the ground (i.e., roots don't tolerate as much cold as the above ground part of the tree).

btw, your tree looks to be okay in the pix. Too much water will make the foliage yellow. Too little makes it droop, but it is hard to judge on old foliage - new stuff screams it out.
I'll trade you an ugly penny for it!

Welcome to Crazy!

Thank you guys!

Bonsai Nut - I’m located in S Korea and bought this for my indoor office. However got a 40w grow led light for it, with a fan on the way. The Probably gonna play around with the strength and timing to try and get it to grow.

Osoyoung: dug around and found some roots that seem to be quite healthy and at a good level. I think I can just dig down and fell with my finger everyday before watering to see. Moist but not drowning-got it. Thank you all!
MrWunderful is right, you will kill it keeping it inside. If you want a tree in your office get a tropical ficus or some other houseplant.
Oh No! Am I never able to keep it indoors for a period?
You can bring it inside for a couple days, then set it outside. But not during winter.
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