Common juniper windswept


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Calgary, Alberta, Canada
IMG_3978.JPG IMG_1552.JPG IMG_1554.JPG I have a little j. communis collected from a dry hillside in the prairie here. I haven't had great luck with the species, and this is my last surviving one. I styled this roughly last year, but I gave it a break from any major work this season. I know it is the fine wiring that determines whether a windswept is convincing or not. I know some don't think beginners should attempt this style, but it's what the tree "wanted" to be. Aside from foliage reduction for next year and wiring, any suggestions? Above is the tree and the rock, found in the same are, that I plan on planting it on.
I feel like a windswept design, if attempted and failed, can always fall into another design.

It's never the end of the world to make the attempt!

That said....I guess a spring pic would give us a better understanding of how much this grew this year, but right now, it doesn't look healthy.

I dig the rock....

If it does get on their successfully, I would consider a future lopping of topping! And just use the low branch.
But way far future!

IMG_3986.JPG IMG_3985.JPG IMG_3987.JPG Hey Sorce, this juniper must be some odd variation on regular communis. The needles are very sparse and dark in colour unless very new. They also seem to droop down like white cedar foliage. It's not stiff and straight like most junipers. The buds are still soft and extending two years after collecting. I don't think I'll be collecting any more of this species, as there are so many other conifers here that do much better for me (spruce, larch, lodgepole pine). Next year I'll try some RMJ or J. Horizontalis. Thanks for your input.
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