WNC Bonsai
My neighbor has a cabin up a mounain north of Asheville with a coulpe wisteria that have been in the ground a decade +/- a year or two. The vines have run out 40’ or more and are taking over the hillside so I volunteered to lift at least one if not both of them. Since when I saw them it was late summer/early fall I decided to wait until spring. However, in the meantime my neighbor pulled a change on me and is now planning to have a guy with a bulldozer carve up the hilside next to the cabin which will waste the wisteria in the process so I have to act soon. That may be in the next couple weeks or couple months, depends on the digger’s schedule and the weather but I should get at least a weeks notice.
My question concerns the best approach to digging them. On one hand I could dig them and clean the roots of native soil relpacing it with an organic heavy mixture. However, I am afraid this will result in the plants starting to grow new roots and I will need to protect them from freezing. The second option is to dig them, leave the native soil on them, shove them into big plastic nursery pots, and pray for an early spring. I am also afraid that even using the second approach they will need freeze protection so I am trying to figue out how to find more room in the unheated garage which hasn’t dipped below 45 degrees this winter. I may have to just put them in a wagon and move them inside on nights when a freeze is predicted.
So the question is of the two options which seems best? Also is there a better option I have not considered?
My question concerns the best approach to digging them. On one hand I could dig them and clean the roots of native soil relpacing it with an organic heavy mixture. However, I am afraid this will result in the plants starting to grow new roots and I will need to protect them from freezing. The second option is to dig them, leave the native soil on them, shove them into big plastic nursery pots, and pray for an early spring. I am also afraid that even using the second approach they will need freeze protection so I am trying to figue out how to find more room in the unheated garage which hasn’t dipped below 45 degrees this winter. I may have to just put them in a wagon and move them inside on nights when a freeze is predicted.
So the question is of the two options which seems best? Also is there a better option I have not considered?