I got access to this Wisteria, there is a much larger one about 4 feet away and I think this came up it, you can see above ground roots between the 2.
Seems everything I dig does not have much roots, but one big tap. This has more than some I have dug.
I cut it back, I think it really needs to be cut back about 2 inches more, above the large root to the right. But these bottom 2 roots had some nice fine roots. Once it is growing I plan to cut above them.
Put in some old Brussels soil and will see what happens.
Seems everything I dig does not have much roots, but one big tap. This has more than some I have dug.
I cut it back, I think it really needs to be cut back about 2 inches more, above the large root to the right. But these bottom 2 roots had some nice fine roots. Once it is growing I plan to cut above them.
Put in some old Brussels soil and will see what happens.