I had to emergency collect an english elm at the beginning of June that was growing between a kerbstone and driveway. Due to this the I could only save an extremely minimal amount of roots.
I thought it had no chance of survival in soil so I jerry rigged a dwc hydroponic setup consisting of a pond basket full of hydroton clay sat in a bucket of nutrient water and an air pump pinched from the fish tank which was placed in a shady spot in the garden.
After initially losing alot of its leaves it's now started pushing some new growth. A gentle poke around in the clay also revealed fresh root growth but I didn't want to dig too deep to avoid damaging any roots.
So my question is should I move it to a sunnier spot in the garden yet (forcast for the next week is sunshine and showers 18-20c) and also when should I pot it into proper soil?
I thought it had no chance of survival in soil so I jerry rigged a dwc hydroponic setup consisting of a pond basket full of hydroton clay sat in a bucket of nutrient water and an air pump pinched from the fish tank which was placed in a shady spot in the garden.
After initially losing alot of its leaves it's now started pushing some new growth. A gentle poke around in the clay also revealed fresh root growth but I didn't want to dig too deep to avoid damaging any roots.
So my question is should I move it to a sunnier spot in the garden yet (forcast for the next week is sunshine and showers 18-20c) and also when should I pot it into proper soil?