I live very close to some coffee farms. My friends all say that a big one will die if dug up. Some have great movement and are 6" or more thick. I know the leaves are kinda big, but if I air layer one, does anyone think it will root? How long would it need to be left alone? Id really like to find one with a strangler fig growing on it too. But thats the easy part... I can get a two foot tall, six inch thick coffee easily if it will survive.. So, good idea or not worth it? They get cut way back every year, so they are thick for their size. The seem perfect other than the leaves, but it would be a big bonsai, like two feet tall and more than six inches thick. Probably more like ten inches. Or I could air layer higher for a thinner bonsai. But with thick ones around for free, Id like to know if anyone has done it before and had can give me a couple pointers. They flower and fruit twice a year, so they could be cool. Do the leaves reduce?