My area bans nitro-ferts this time of year, I'd usually go online but I was basically out of fertilizer and after several weeks of *zero* fertilization (1st-time ever I intentionally tried slowing growth, couldn't keep-up with it!!), nitro-deficiency symptoms seemed to be occuring on some of the specimen that were growing quickest when I pulled the plug on their (absurdly-overdone)miracle-gro drip so I went and got what I could find locally which was a 20lbs sack of general-purpose 10-10-10 granules - 'Score!' I'd thought - til I got home and did a 2nd reading of the breakdown of the nutes and, while it contains what I was wanting (and had checked for @store), I found it also contained a nasty that I didn't notice & hadn't seen before, "Chlorine----10% maximum"....yikes!
How bad is chlorine here? I'm going to guess that "10% Maximum" means that it's 9-something-% chlorine (probably 9.999% lol, am presuming they filter-against it to beat that 10% threshold), anyways I was thinking I'd be able to utilize this very similarly to how I'd been using Miracle Gro IE in a way that Walter Pall would give a thumbs-up, maybe even tell me I'm overdoing it a lil, I was planning to use this stuff at maybe 70% of the NPK-total-weight I'd have used miracle-gro, factoring-in the release rate of course, but now I'm worrying that mega-dosing a high-chlorine fertilizer could be asking for trouble!
Thanks a ton for any insight into chlorine in fertilizers, if it'd help for me to snap a shot of the label I can do so but imagine the description suffices fine, I've already laid this on maybe 15% of my trees at the recommended-rate (1tbsp/sq.ft), stinks not having any practical idea of the break-down rate so have setup a few tester specimen that have mega-doses so I can gauge break-down rate and, if the worst happens, they'd become my 'canaries in the coal-mine' to let me know this stuff is proving toxic at high-dose! Also think I'll crush some up to further push the dosing, up to my normal NPK levels, on a few testers to see if the corresponding chlorine in this stuff becomes lethal at that rate :/
Hope everyone's doing well & making great strides with their gardens!!!
How bad is chlorine here? I'm going to guess that "10% Maximum" means that it's 9-something-% chlorine (probably 9.999% lol, am presuming they filter-against it to beat that 10% threshold), anyways I was thinking I'd be able to utilize this very similarly to how I'd been using Miracle Gro IE in a way that Walter Pall would give a thumbs-up, maybe even tell me I'm overdoing it a lil, I was planning to use this stuff at maybe 70% of the NPK-total-weight I'd have used miracle-gro, factoring-in the release rate of course, but now I'm worrying that mega-dosing a high-chlorine fertilizer could be asking for trouble!
Thanks a ton for any insight into chlorine in fertilizers, if it'd help for me to snap a shot of the label I can do so but imagine the description suffices fine, I've already laid this on maybe 15% of my trees at the recommended-rate (1tbsp/sq.ft), stinks not having any practical idea of the break-down rate so have setup a few tester specimen that have mega-doses so I can gauge break-down rate and, if the worst happens, they'd become my 'canaries in the coal-mine' to let me know this stuff is proving toxic at high-dose! Also think I'll crush some up to further push the dosing, up to my normal NPK levels, on a few testers to see if the corresponding chlorine in this stuff becomes lethal at that rate :/
Hope everyone's doing well & making great strides with their gardens!!!