Hi! I'm very new to bonsai. I just received a 10-year-old Chinese Elm two weeks ago. I was worried that the shipping would hurt the tree since it took a week to get to me due to delivery delays; I was worried about under watering and potentially dried-out roots. But when I received it, the bonsai still had moisture in the soil and everything looked good at first. I may have been over watering the first few days (I watered it every night), but then I started to notice leaf tips turning brown and falling off of both old and new shoots (it's surprised me by having a lot of new growth despite having dying leaves). I got a moisture meter and checked the soil more often and have now been watering every 2-3 days. It does sit in indirect sunlight everyday (pictures show the lighting). Leaf tips are still browning and falling. I've attached pictures.
Yesterday I cut off some of the new growth since it was getting a bit crazy looking with new shoots growing larger leaves and I also added fertilizer for the first time hoping that might help. I'm not sure if there's just stress from being in a new environment or what I can do to help it if something's wrong, so any insight is greatly appreciated!
Yesterday I cut off some of the new growth since it was getting a bit crazy looking with new shoots growing larger leaves and I also added fertilizer for the first time hoping that might help. I'm not sure if there's just stress from being in a new environment or what I can do to help it if something's wrong, so any insight is greatly appreciated!