Chinese elm - chop this year?


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Cologne, Germany
This is a poor picture, but can't pull it out for a decent one as it is -3 at the moment. Would it be best to chop this one this year ( at the small branch down low) or should I wait for another year? I am in no hurry with this but do not want to leave it and then find that next year the cut will be huge, this was a small twig last spring and grew like a weed20250202_135408.jpg
Chop when your trunk is as thick as you want it to be
I prefer to chop before the trunk reaches desired size. I still get extra trunk thickening while the cut heals and while I develop the remainder of the trunk and branches and cuts definitely heal faster while there's still growth happening in building branches, etc.
I would still leave this one another year at least - unless working towards shohin size.

Would it be best to chop this one this year ( at the small branch down low) or should I wait for another year?
Where to chop depends what results you want.
Elms don't need to be chopped at a side branch as they can shoot new buds from the exposed cambium. That means we can chop an elm anywhere on bare trunks and still expect good buds from the chop point - and probably a few more below.
Only need to chop at a side branch if you are planning informal upright or already have a well placed and well orientated side branch. If you think the low branch is ideally placed (and don't plan on making broom style) then use it.
Quote Shibui "I prefer to chop before the trunk reaches desired size. I still get extra trunk thickening while the cut heals and while I develop the remainder of the trunk and branches and cuts definitely heal faster while there's still growth happening in building branches, etc."

Thanks for this 👍(and the other detail) this is what I was wondering re cut size and healing, I have several of these of a similar size so will try both, leaving some until they get to desired size and some cut next year.
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