Chinese Elm Black Spot Help


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Roswell GA
My Chinese Elm that looked good after leafing out early has taken a turn for the worse. It has had black spot for the last two months. It has been outside and I treated it with bonide copper fungicide. I also trimmed all the leaves that had spots. It is not getting better. I had to use a water sprinkler set up for the last couple weeks so wasn’t able to keep the leaves dry. I will keep it in a screened porch to keep the leaves dry and only water the soil. Should I switch to Daconil? Any other treatments? Do I need to defoliate? Last pic is after the initial leaf out in early Feb.IMG_9701.jpegIMG_9699.jpegIMG_9702.jpegIMG_9150.jpeg
I’ve had that blackening on corkbark elms. I treated it with Daconil Fungicide. On my tree I recovered all of the black spot leaves and disposed of them. Leaves on the soil surface if they were visible also. Then I treated with the Daconil. In my experience the fungus stricken leaves would not magically heal. The leaf pruning stimulate a new set of leaves which I treated immediately before leftover fungus could attack. The fungus seems to particularly favor young leaves, the new vulnerable leaves. I also make sure there was good air circulation. Stagent air is a good fungus breading ground. That’s how I handled the problem. Others will likely reply here with their experience and handling.
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