Cherry seeds germinating


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I have a cherry tree that I took some seeds from this summer and I have stratified them. My issues is they are starting to germinate in the fridge. Can I put them in soil and grow them out till spring? I am in chicago so that would be probably 3 months of indoor growth??

@Leo in N E Illinois any tips?
Let’s wait for the professor to weigh in.

But I’ll give you this, as long as nature is doing its thing, there’s no stopping it, give it the optimal care it needs. I bought a cherry tree in dormancy, kept it in the cool shade, because dormancy, and it leafed out anyway. I’ve moved it to the sun since and let it do it’s thing while I just take care of it as good as I can.

If it’s still freezing outside, put it in a south east facing window if you can and nurture that thing till it can go outside.
Ya I’m just trying to decide to let it stay in the fridge to slow it down or plant it out and I have grow lights and things but I figured best bet would be try to push it off as long as I can.
I have a cherry tree that I took some seeds from this summer and I have stratified them. My issues is they are starting to germinate in the fridge. Can I put them in soil and grow them out till spring? I am in chicago so that would be probably 3 months of indoor growth??

@Leo in N E Illinois any tips?
I have live oak seedlings growing under my grow lights right now. I collected acorns at the end of October while on vacation. A couple had already started sprouting in the bag before they could be put in stratification. So far so good tho, they seem to be chugging right along. As long as you have enough light I don’t see why you can’t start them indoors. On another note, I had acorns from a sawtooth oak in stratification from last year that had three inch roots coming out and I planted one just for shits and giggles. It popped up too and is chugging riggt along. Personally I would plant them and not risk loosing them. C6078C6E-BB01-4CB9-9ADA-C9AC69AFA99D.jpeg
Where are you at that you can grow outside currently ?
Ya I’m just trying to decide to let it stay in the fridge to slow it down or plant it out and I have grow lights and things but I figured best bet would be try to push it off as long as I can.
Whenever I have tried to hold sprouting seeds in the fridge, the kept elongating until they rotted.
So you would also just plant them out and see how it goes? I can plant them in a good mix then put them under some led grow lights and go from there
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