Changing soils on Pre-Bonsai


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Palm Springs, CA
I have a few pre-bonsai, some are already growing in inorganic soil and a few are in pure organic soil. I want to put the ones in organic soil into inorganic.
Would it be ok to change them? Or should I slowly change the soil through the years.
I also have two finished bonsai that are in a mix of lava, sand and soil. And was thinking of changing them also.
My trees that are in inorganic do very well.


If you want a more tailored answer, please let us know what we're discussing. Like the plant species we're talking about, the size they're at and your goal for them.

What you're asking now is something like: Hey guys, do the cakes go into the oven, or into the fridge?
I'm sure you could write a book about which ones are baked and at what temperature, and which ones go solid in the fridge and shouldn't be heated at all.

I'll happily provide an extensive answer if you can tell me a bit more about your plants' situations.
Deciduous trees can usually have a 100% soil change and won’t skip a best. Conifers with any age should be approached with the understanding that the 100% soil change should generally take place over 2-3 re-pots. That’s how I’ve always approached my material and have had absolutely no issues.

If you want a more tailored answer, please let us know what we're discussing. Like the plant species we're talking about, the size they're at and your goal for them.

What you're asking now is something like: Hey guys, do the cakes go into the oven, or into the fridge?
I'm sure you could write a book about which ones are baked and at what temperature, and which ones go solid in the fridge and shouldn't be heated at all.

I'll happily provide an extensive answer if you can tell me a bit more about your plants' situations.
I was thinking that a couple hours after asking.
I have mostly tropicals. The ones that are pre are tropicals. Jade, European Olive, Texas Ebony Bougainvillea.

And as far as comparing it to cake baking,,,lol You are right. I am a pastry chef for over 30 years. And I would write recipes and get very generalized questions. So I get how I should have been more specific.
I think you can go ahead and do a full soil exchange for the jade and the olive, they should be able to handle it with ease. I don't know about the bougie, as I've never grown them.
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