Cedrus Identification and Repotting Help


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Cape Town, South Africa
Hi there,

So I recently picked up this little cedar from a local flower seller who didn't seem to know much about bonsai cultivation. As a result, it's been potted in a dish with no drainage holes and to be honest I'm too scared to check out the root structure (hopefully it's not just a cutting stuck in some soil). Apparently it was grown as a 'moss ball' (kokedama) in her bathroom only being watered lightly by spraying 2 days a week. From what I know about cedars I really don't know how this survived that but anyway.

I'm thinking that if this tree has any chance of surviving it needs to be moved to a pot with some drainage so that it can be watered normally and be moved outside; but I have heard that cedars are very particular about when and how they're repotted. I'd appreciate any advice on this and also some help identifying the species.

I live in Cape Town, South Africa (Mediterranean climate) and it's currently very hot and dry


It is a cute little rascal. Slip pot it disturbing the roots as little as possible, into a good mix with some organics and let it grow a couple years. It looks like C. deodara but could be C. libani.
Experienced growers here are having better success repotting cedar in summer but in the case you are not reducing the roots you should be able to change the pot any time without problem.
I agree that it appears to be C. deodar but difficult to be accurate because differences are very slight and those may be masked by age and current/past growing conditions. Care for all cedrus sp is so similar it probably does not matter about the species.

Also very hot over this side with temperature records falling every week or so and still 2 months of summer to go. Slight reprieve from the heat today with a cooler change arriving during the night but bringing smoke with it so visibility now down to around 100m
We all grieve for you guys and hope you can cope with the terrible fires.
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