Cascade Juniper - Kathy Shaner Workshop

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Bremerton, WA
Just had Kathy Shaner up here in the Great NW... hosted her for four days and had the most wonderful time with her.

Worked on a cascade juniper during a small workshop she did.... Still has work to be done, but I thought I'd show how it's looking....

What it looked like when I got it:

What it looked like when I started the other day:

What it looked like by the end of the workshop:

I removed a lot of things I didn't like... moved a few things around, and tightened it all up. The lowest pad still needs to be wired up closer to the second from the last so it doesn't feel like such a long drop, but I like it so much more now. I acquired the tree in our local auction for about $400.


Note.... that pad that needs to be sucked up is cropped out of the photo.... lol I really must want to get rid of

Note#2.... Kathy was hasseling me about getting rid of it, which is the only reason it's still there. lol
Stunning! What a difference. Since I can't actually see the pad you are referring to...I'd just get rid of it. You could always ship it down here and I'd be happy to take care of it for you lol :)
Stunning! What a difference. Since I can't actually see the pad you are referring to...I'd just get rid of it. You could always ship it down here and I'd be happy to take care of it for you lol :)

errrrrr..... the pad or the tree??? lol

Yours in amusement,

Wow, can't believe they hid all those nice features! :eek:

Great job bringing them out. :)

Whazzit??? :D


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Awesome. I love the rugged looking trunk on this one. You really brought it out from under all that growth.
Nicely done Victrinia as usual. Are you thinking of bringing the dropping branch closer to the pot?
Great work! I don't see any need for the other branch either, but I'm sure you will make the right decision either way. :)
This is going to sound crazy but I was looking at it again and could imagine the entire cascade section being eliminated leaving it as an informal upright. Then again this is just my newbie opinion from looking at a 2D picture.
This is going to sound crazy but I was looking at it again and could imagine the entire cascade section being eliminated leaving it as an informal upright. Then again this is just my newbie opinion from looking at a 2D picture.

Not crazy. I've seen it too and it is a good tree but I personally prefer how it is right now.
What a powerful and beautiful tree. I do see there is potential for an incredible and dynamic informal upright in there. However, to keep the beautiful angle that the the tree is planted on might be an issue, since there is the raised root ball on the right. As a cascade, the raised root ball doesn't really present an issue. However, if it was an informal upright it might be an aesthetic problem unless it could be reduced.

And the pot? In 35 years have not seen anything like it.
This is going to sound crazy but I was looking at it again and could imagine the entire cascade section being eliminated leaving it as an informal upright. Then again this is just my newbie opinion from looking at a 2D picture.

To take away the cascade would be to ask the tree to be something other than itself for me. I don't own many cascades, mostly because good ones are hard to come by.... So when one has evolved so nicely, it seems a shame to cause there to be one less good cascade in the world. lol :cool:


And the pot? In 35 years have not seen anything like it.

Yixing pottery imported by Bonsai Northwest.... I am very fond of it. Very good quality. The Muth's actually go to the potters over there and select the pottery and glazeware themselves for their store. I appreciate the effort they go through to bring marvelous options to the NW.

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