Calling all Washington state yamadori collectors!


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Bering sea, AK Orginally from Vancover, wa
I'm planning on doing some major collecting trips next year and want to make sure I do everything by the book. I'll be in east clark county/skamania county. Just wondering who i need to contact regarding collecting permits. USFS, WDFW, USPD, weyrhouser? any tips/advice much appreciated as always.
Nothing is illegal if you don't get caught.
contact your local ranger district to obtain permits. I'm not sure how the fire damage will affect the issurance, but it may come after fire season and hopefully with enough time to get things harvested before freeze up/snow.

Most serious hunters of Narley Trees are looking in the 5 to 6 thousand foot level. I contacted a district first week in july to get a permit for western larch but was a week late as permits because of fire danger were stopped end of june. At that time they expected in October to be issueing again but where I wanted to go could already have several inches of snow at that time.

If your just learning the art of collection I suggest getting stuff lower in altitude and learning to build confidence over the years before endangering something special.
Can't say enough about anderson flats in conjunction with pummice. Some will say to allow a year's adjustment before potting up, but I'm learning from my experience better to wait for second year....

I don't encourage anyone to collect without a permit. I find the folks at the different ranger staions very helpful as to where to be able to point you in the right area because of their local knowledge. Coupla years ago when I was really into Englemann Spruce, they saved me lots of time in searching. Usually there is very little to no cost for aquiring a permit.
Blake if your ever over to the west side of the cascades in Seattle-Tacoma area, would love to show you around Weyerhaeuser and their collection. Just drop me a PM here at BN...:)
Sounds like a great time. You west coasters have all the luck, I guess. Good luck.
Sounds like a great time. You west coasters have all the luck, I guess. Good luck.

The westcoast has it's gems, but there's plenty of "gold" to be found in Pennsylvania. The tree coated Appalachian Mountains for example, run through your state. I'd love to be able to visit The Blue Ridge Parkway again.
Its almost that time! Since you'll be in Skamania Co., go get yourself a free permit from one of the forest service offices. They will give you two weeks to dig up to 10 trees from the Gifford Pinchot National Forest. There's lots of good trees to be found up there. It's been unseasonably warm and my western larch is about to bud, and there hasn't been much snow up at the snow parks there, so I'm guessing larches will be ready to dig very soon.
Also, Blake, if you stay in east Clark, and west Skamania you will most likely only find douglas firs and western hemlock and maybe a few western white pines. You'll have to go further east towards hwy 23 or wind river road to find ponderosas, mountain hemlocks, larches, and englemann spruce. You might find some higher up near St. Helens, as I've never collected near there, but I'm thinking that most of the area there is not open to collecting.
Man oh man,
I really envy you guys out west that can get permits. Or even those in the Northeast that can get permits for gnarly Larch. I just finished a series of emails with the Florida Forestry Service about collection, and long story short I can only collect on private land with the owners consent. There's no such thing as joe shmoe permits here, they're reserved for scientists and/or University research.

I regress.
Start here: and remember that each area is different. Most will let you take five plant items per person and the rangers will help point you in the right direction. Let me know when you are going. I would love to accompany.
ed: No Bald Cypress in Washington State o_O

Bunjeh, what the hell are you talking about? I was replying to a post where the person said "Nothing is illegal if you don't get caught." and you are lost in wacky world telling me about there being no Bald Cypress in WA, and then putting a confused emoticon up? I can easily see your confused as well as not too clever, but give it rest pal at least until you can form a rational reply. Sheww the person who posted that gem was from Florida , what are you snorting ? :rolleyes:

Ed: Calm down. Again,..I am looking for the sarcasam font. I seem to remember a recent thread which got hijacked over whether or not it is legal to collect yamadori BC in certain areas of Florida. If I picked that scab too soon,..I am sorry.

But still. There are no BCs in E. WA.
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