So I bought a fast red mustang that has been in the shop one fourth of the whole time I've had the car. Being at the dealership so much I get bord, so I decided to go for a little walk along the concrete river running through the middle of Cincinnati. But wait........Something catches my eye.... it's a brilliant red leaves call me closer.... as I approach I get a phone call telling me they lost some kinda nuts and bolts to my transmission and they will have to order some more smh.. but back to the red leaves heheheh.. it's a callery pear monstrosity!!!!!!! Apparently the grounds men have been mowing over this piece of evasive crap species ever week for years in an attempt to dispatch the poor creature. Well let me have a go at it... but it does have some charm... and definitely has a "metal of Honor" Will to survive... soooooo I Scary back to my truck and grab my shovel a plastic bag and a water bottle for a quick extraction!!