Not trying to rub salt in a wound, but it took me a long time to accept that one can not grow everything, everywhere. No matter how good my winter light garden is, and it is good enough for many species of orchids, one can not keep all that many trees happy in winter. Most full sun tropical and subtropical trees need more light than even fairly fancy light gardens provide. Windowsills never provide enough sun, because glass of the window already eliminates 30% or more, and at northern (or southern) higher latitudes, day length is not long enough. For example, even under 1000 watt HPS lamps, I could not get good tight growth on a Japanese Black pine. Delonix really needs full sun or near full sun, which in winter we can not give adequately. They also need heat.
Some tropicals want tropical heat, where in winter most do not heat their homes above 78 F (25 C) many true tropicals want daytime temps above 78 F, or 25 C. The high humidities some plants require for good growth also limits choice of species. Ixora is a lovely flowering shrub, does not do well under lights because it likes warmth, & humidity, even though its tolerance of shade does mean many lights set ups are bright enough for Ixora, we fail because heat and humidity are not high enough.
theobroma - Cacao - the fruit of which yields chocolate - is a true thermophile. It will wilt and die at temperatures as low as 50 F (+10 C). It does not like a temperate climate.
So we have to pick and choose what we grow on windowsills and under lights.