Browning tips on otherwise healthy shimpaku - Too much rain?


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San Jose, CA
Just want to make sure there isn't anymore more sinister going on. We have gotten a lot of rain the past couple of weeks, and it has stayed kind of damp. Does that explain the browning tips on the shoots below, or is there another potential problem? Thanks!

Usually when they do that its a problem in the roots, water or fungal, the substrate seems very free draining and the terracota would help also, maybe its fungal or root aphids who knows
Root rot does not get going after just a couple of weeks of damp, especially in really open soil as this appears to be. Chronic root rot is the culmination of many weeks of waterlogged conditions. Root rot could be a cause bit I'd be looking for other possible causes for the brown tips as well.
If the tree has been in this pot some time it should be possible to gently turn the tree and pot upside down while supporting the soil. Gently remove the pot - it should slide off the root ball relatively easily and leave the root ball in one piece so you can check the condition of existing roots before sliding the pot back on and return the tree upright again.
We have seen mites causing brown tips on juniper over there and I believe you also have a tip blight that can cause similar symptoms.
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